Exceptional Care

Every Day

Industrial Rehabilitation

From workplace assessments to injury prevention programs to work-related injury assistance, CarePartners experts can help you minimize risk for your employees and create a safer, more efficient workplace. Our team includes skilled experts certified in Ergonomic Assessment and Ergonomic Assessment for an aging work force (CEAS I and CEAS II), Functional Capacity Evaluation, and Essential Function Evaluation (CEFE).

Ergonomic Analysis and Worker Behavior Recommendations

Improve safety, comfort and efficiency in your work environment with a thorough assessment of its ergonomic risk factors. A certified medical professional will provide on-site observation and measurement in order to identify risk factors and recommend low- or no-cost corrective actions.

Employment-Related Services

We provide on-site observation, measurement and written documentation of the physical demands and essential functions of specific jobs for the purpose of employment testing.

Employee Programs

WE provide an Industrial Rehabilitation Program for injured employees.

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs)

FCEs are an unbiased, detailed assessment and documentation of an individual employee’s ability to safely perform the physical demands of his or her job. This is an essential step for determining if an employee is ready to return to work after an injury or in making disability determinations. 

Work-Related Injury Therapy Services

For employees who are recovering from a work-related injury, we provide job-simulated conditioning programs that emphasize a safe return to work.

Injury Prevention Targeted Stretch Programs

Our experts can teach your employees customized, job-specific stretches that help reduce risk for injury, counteract fatigue and enhance productivity.

On-site Therapy

Our licensed physical therapists can provide proactive physical therapy services on-site for the convenient management of musculoskeletal issues.

For more information about what CarePartners can do to help you or your employee return to work safely, call us at 828-209-0900 or email industrial@carepartners.org.


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