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Mission Anticoagulation Clinic

If you are on blood thinners, you probably know how important it is to make sure your medication dose is just right. To help you make sure, Mission Anticoagulation Clinic is staffed by a team of pharmacists who are specially trained in the regulation of blood thinners. The clinic can manage your warfarin medication and other oral anticoagulation medications. To get your dosage requirements for warfarin just right, we use a simple finger prick to test your blood. Our pharmacists adjust your medication as necessary and make sure the results are reported to your physician.

Proper dose and drug interactions are an integral part of taking any medicine, especially blood thinners. We help you gain peace of mind by understanding and knowing all you need to about your blood thinner medication.

Call your doctor and ask for a referral for Mission Anticoagulation Clinic.


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